Social Inclusion
" Diversity and Inclusion is about giving value to every human being, no matter our differences"
The individuals we support have a diverse range of needs and disabilities. Individuals with disabilities often face discrimination and are excluded from taking part in society on the basis of their identity. They may encounter such prejudice intentionally or unintentionally which may impact on their mental well being
We actively seek to engage and empower individuals so that they can live full and rewarding lives. Together with family, advocacy groups and multi-disciplinary teams we work towards helping these individuals to confront and break down barriers, have equal access to decent housing, health and social care, cultural, social and recreational activities.
Raising Aspirations
"It is within our dreams and aspirations that we find opportunities, Our aspirations are our possibilities"
We believe that fostering aspirations in individuals raises ambitions and gives them a sense of progression or moving forward and enables them to maximise their potential and achieve better outcomes.
Our Support workers encourage all individuals to participate and take ownership of daily tasks activities with in their living environment , support them to become engaged in the community and beyond , take on new challenges, learn new life skills, attend college, find paid work or volunteering, explore and take on new hobbies.